Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Examination of “Coco” Animated Movie in terms of the Value of Giving Importance to Family Unity
Esra Nihlenur Şen, Bayram Tay pp. 1 - 40 | DOI: Abstract Animated films, one of the colourful and entertaining elements of the digital world, appeal to the worlds of all individuals, especially children, and have a high power to influence and convey messages to them. The power of animated films to influence children and convey messages is also utilized for educational purposes. The fact that the characters in animated movies are adopted as role models by children makes animated movies an effective tool that can be used especially in values education. The aim of this study is to examine the animated movie “Coco” in terms of the value of giving importance to family unity. The study's data source is the 2017 animated movie “Coco”. In the study, in which qualitative research approach was adopted, document review method was used and the data obtained were subjected to document analysis. The findings obtained from the data analysis revealed that there are scenes with positive and negative features that can be used for the value of giving importance to family unity in the animated movie “Coco”. There were 74 scenes with positive features and 16 codes related to these scenes. On the other hand, scenes with negative features were encountered in a total of 35 places and these scenes were grouped around 8 codes. It is recommended that these scenes be used by classroom teachers and social studies teachers to teach the value of giving importance to family unity. Keywords: Animated movie, values, giving importance to family unity, Coco | |
Original Articles Investigation of Primary School Third Grade Life Science Course Curriculum Outcomes and Textbooks in terms of Identity Construction
Eylem Çoban pp. 41 - 67 | DOI: Abstract It is thought that the life science course, which aims to raise citizens, constructs the identity of the citizen it wants to raise through various teaching tools. In this direction, the most frequently used textbooks by teachers and the curriculum that is the source of the development of textbooks were evaluated in terms of identity. The research was conducted by document analysis, and the third grade achievements in the content of the Primary School Life Science Course (Grades 1, 2 and 3) Curriculum and the third grade life science textbooks obtained from the Education and Informatics Network [EBA] platform established by the Ministry of National Education [MoNE], which constitute the data source of the research, were examined using document analysis. As a result of the research, it was determined that the curriculum includes contents related to individual and collective identity and that there are environmental identity, social identity, national identity, political identity, global identity and digital identity among collective identity types. In the textbooks, it was determined that both textbooks included all types of individual identity and collective identity, while in Publication A, environmental identity, national identity and social identity, which are among the types of collective identity, were expressed more frequently, and in Publication B, environmentalist identity, social identity and national identity were expressed more frequently. Within the scope of the research, it was determined that there were differences between the identities desired to be constructed in the curriculum and textbooks. In this direction, suggestions for the study are presented. Keywords: Life science course, curriculum, textbooks, identity, identity construction. | |
Original Articles Primary School 3rd Grade Students’ Level of School Happiness and Having Fun in Life Science Lesson
İlker Seçkin, Ayşe Erim pp. 68 - 94 | DOI: Abstract School happiness is a concept that is associated with enjoyable lessons. One of the most important lessons to meet the enjoyment needs of primary school children is life science lesson. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the relationship between school happiness levels of 3rd grade primary school students and their level of having fun in life science lesson. Relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. The population of the study consists of primary school 3rd grade students studying in primary schools affiliated to Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education in the 2022-2023 academic year. Stratified sampling method was used to determine the research sample and 411 3rd grade primary school students were reached. The data were collected through ‘School Happiness Scale for Primary School Children’ and ‘Scale for Determining the Level of Enjoyment in Life Science Lesson’. One sample t-test, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and pearson correlation analysis were used to analyse the collected data. According to the results obtained from the study, primary school students' levels of school happiness and having fun in the life science course are significantly higher. At the same time, there is a significant, positive and moderate relationship between the school happiness levels of 3rd grade primary school students and their level of having fun in life science lesson. Based on this result, it can be suggested that classroom teachers should teach life science lesson with fun activities and games. Keywords: School happiness, life science lesson, having fun. | |
Original Articles Classroom Teachers’ Experiences Regarding the Use of Songs in Life Science Course
Nazire Çiçek pp. 95 - 117 | DOI: Abstract Life science is a course that supports students to adapt to their social environment and aims to raise responsible and conscious individuals. Songs have important place among materials that can be used in the teaching process to achieve this goal. In this study, which aims to describe the experiences of classroom teachers about the use of songs in the life science course, qualitative research approach was adopted and phenomenological method was used. The study group of the research consisted of 60 classroom teachers who worked in Kırşehir province in the 2022-2023 academic year and taught life science course for at least one year. Criterion sampling and snowball sampling methods were used together to determine the study group. The data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. According to the data obtained by content analysis, it was determined that classroom teachers used songs at every stage of lesson. It was determined that classroom teachers used songs for purposes such as attracting students’ attention, reinforcing the subject, providing teaching, making lesson fun, providing permanent learning, and activating prior knowledge. Classroom teachers stated that the songs should be instructive, suitable for learning outcomes and age group features, entertaining, educational, simple, understandable and remarkable. Classroom teachers, while benefiting from songs, pay attention to the content and subject being suitable for children’s developmental features and age levels, being understandable, attention-attracting, and free from slang and obscene lyrics. It can be suggested to create a song repertoire that classroom teachers can use in life science courses. Keywords: Life science, classroom teachers, song. | |
Review Articles The Use of Mathematical Concepts in Life Sciences Courses
Murat Baş pp. 118 - 135 | DOI: Abstract The life science course aims to equip students in the first three grades of primary school with fundamental behaviors such as being a good person and citizen, and adapting to society. This course plays an important role in developing students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and other skills necessary for their social lives. It is emphasized that the life science course contributes to the educational process by establishing strong connections with various disciplines, and particularly that its relationship with mathematics should not be overlooked. This study, which adopts an interdisciplinary approach, aims to examine the integration of mathematical concepts in the life science course. Research shows that the life science course is effective in providing students with various knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. The integration of mathematics into life science education allows students to acquire a broad skill set while enabling the analysis of complex biological data. However, there are some challenges to this integration, including resistance to curriculum changes and student math anxiety. To overcome these challenges, it is important to create an inclusive school environment and provide students with supportive learning experiences. In conclusion, the inclusion of mathematical knowledge in Life Science courses enables students to gain analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, allowing them to tackle complex issues. This study highlights the importance of interdisciplinary integration, revealing the role and benefits of mathematics within the life science curriculum. Keywords: Life science, mathematics, curriculum. |