International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal published online in the field of Life science and social studies education.
(IJLSSSE) publishes research employing a variety of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research and approaches in the field of life science and social studies education. The researches are published with full text in English and extended summary in Turkish.
(IJLSSSE) is published as one volume per year and one issues, completed on the last day of December.
(IJLSSSE) can call for special issues with the decision of the editorial board, or it can issue special issues in line with the requests from researchers or organizers of scientific events such as symposiums, conferences, etc.
(IJLSSSE), an author can publish a maximum of one article in a single issue, and an author can publish a maximum of two articles in the same year. All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by at least two referees with the principle of blind refereeing (double-blinding method).
Submit a Manuscript Last IssueClassroom Teachers’ Experiences Regarding the Use of Songs in Life Science Course
Nazire Çiçek pp. 95-117 | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
Primary School 3rd Grade Students’ Level of School Happiness and Having Fun in Life Science Lesson
İlker Seçkin, Ayşe Erim pp. 68-94 | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
Investigation of Primary School Third Grade Life Science Course Curriculum Outcomes and Textbooks in terms of Identity Construction
Eylem Çoban pp. 41-67 | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
Examination of “Coco” Animated Movie in terms of the Value of Giving Importance to Family Unity
Esra Nihlenur Şen, Bayram Tay pp. 1-40 | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
(December 2023)