International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE), has adopted a number of ethical policies to ensure the development and dissemination of information within the framework of ethical principles, impartiality and respect. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders (authors, editors, reviewers, readers, publisher) comply with ethical behavior standards. The ethical duties and responsibilities in International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) have been prepared in consideration of the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open Access. If stakeholders need any clarification on the following statements, they can refer to the original COPE guidelines document.
International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) editors should have the following ethical duties and responsibilities:
General duties and responsibilities
Editors are responsible for every publication published in International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE). In the context of this responsibility, they hold the following roles and obligations:
Relations with the reader
The duties and responsibilities of editors towards readers are as follows:
Relations with the authors
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the authors are as follows:
Author Rights:
Relations with the reviewers
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the reviewers are as follows:
Relations with the Editorial Board
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the editorial board are as follows:
Relations with the journal owner and Publisher
The relationship between editors and publishers is based on the principle of editorial independence. All decisions taken by the editors are independent of the publisher and the journal owner.
Editorial and blind review processes
Editors are obliged to implement the blind review (double-blinding method) policies in the journal publication policies. In this context, editors should ensure that each article is evaluated fairly, impartially and in a timely manner.
Quality assurance
The editors are responsible for ensuring that each article published in the journal is published in accordance with the journal's editorial policies and international standards.
Protection of personal data
Editors are obliged to reject the study if there is no documented explicit consent of the individuals used in studies containing personal data. Editors are also responsible for protecting the personal data of authors, reviewers and readers.
Ethics committee, human and animal rights
Editors are responsible for ensuring the protection of human and animal rights in the articles evaluated and rejecting the article in the absence of ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the articles and permissions for experimental research.
Prevention against possible abuse and misconduct
Editors are obliged to take precautions against possible abuse and misconduct. It is the editors' responsibility to conduct a rigorous and objective investigation to identify and evaluate complaints about this situation, in addition as well as to share relevant findings on the subject. Editors have the obligation to reject the article if they encounter any misconduct (data falsification, fabricated data, failure to comply with ethical rules, plagiarism, image manipulation, citation manipulation, redundant publication, republication, unfair/gift authorship, undisclosed conflict of interest, failure to clearly indicate the contributions of the persons, institutions or organizations supported, etc.), even if there is ethics committee approval.
Ensuring academic integrity
Editors should ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in articles are corrected quickly.
Protection of intellectual property rights
Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all published articles and defending the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of possible violations. In addition, editors should take necessary precautions to ensure that the content of published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
Constructivism and openness to discussion
Editors should take into account convincing criticisms of the articles published in the journal, show a constructive attitude towards these criticisms, and give the author(s) of the criticized studies the right to reply.
Editors are obliged to carefully examine the complaints received from authors, reviewers or readers and giving them with clarifying and explanatory responses.
Political and commercial concerns
The owner of the journal, the publisher, and no other political or commercial factors influence the independent decision making of the editors.
Conflicts of interest
Editors assure that the publication process of the work is completed independently and impartially, taking into account any conflicts of interest between author(s), reviewers, and other editors.
Author(s) submitting an article to International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
Manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) are evaluated by at least two referees with the principle of blind refereeing (double-blinding method). The ethical responsibilities expected to be followed by the referees evaluating articles in International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) are as follows:
The publisher should act with the awareness of the following ethical responsibilities regarding the International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE):
If You Encounter an Unethical Situation
If you encounter any behavior that does not comply with the above-mentioned ethical responsibilities of the editors, reviewers, authors, and publisher at International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE), or if you encounter an unethical situation regarding an article in the review process, in early view, or in a published article, please report it via e-mail to
International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal published online in the fields of life science and social studies education.
Articles submitted to International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) are published in full text in English and extended abstract in Turkish.
International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) is published in one issues per year, provided that it is completed on the last day of December.
The evaluation process in International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) is carried out with the principle of blind refereeing (double-blinding method).
In International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE), an author can publish at most one article in one issue and an author can publish at most two articles in the same year.
International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) is a non-profit academic journal.
Policies regarding the processes of submitting articles to International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE), evaluation and publication of submitted articles can be found in the Author Guide.
International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) is an open access journal and makes its content available directly to open access. The journal aims to contribute to the support, development and dissemination of science through open access policy and published content. International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) also supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative. In this context, the open access policies adopted by International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) can be found at
All articles published in International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This license grants you the right to copy and redistribute all published articles, datasets, graphics and appendices, provided that you cite the source. However, these materials may not be used for commercial purposes, nor may modified or reworked versions be distributed.
Author(s) submitting a work to International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) acknowledge that their work contains no plagiarism and that sources are properly cited. Plagiarism is an ethical violation, regardless of whether it is intentional or not. It is not only unethical but also criminal and unacceptable to publish articles that are similar to other sources without citation. For this reason, as a requirement of its editorial policies, International Journal of Life Science and Social Studies Education (IJLSSSE) requires plagiarism check for all studies to be published. Plagiarism checking is carried out through software such as iThenticate©, Turnitin© and©. The similarity rate for the article should be less than 20% and the similarity rate for a source should be less than 3%. Nevertheless, it is in the best interest of the author(s) to scrutinize similarities above 1% for a source. The editorial board may ask the responsible author to correct the errors or decide not to publish the study in line with the report that emerges after the plagiarism check.